Indicative Fire Testing
Indicative furnace
Our indicative furnace has proven popular for many years, providing customers with real insight into their own products’ performance. Prior to full scale testing our customers can use the furnace for product development purposes – helping to save substantial testing costs.
Fire testing
Using our furnace, the fire resistance properties of building materials can be tested in accordance with BS 476-20 (method of test for determination of the fire resistance of elements of construction) or EN 1363-1 (fire resistance test standard); or be client specific to suit a particular purpose.
The test specimen (which only represents the top of the door) is placed at the front of the furnace and exposed to standard fire conditions. The maximum overall specimen size of the indicative fire test furnace is 1m x 1m.
What can we test?
The furnace is ideal for evaluating the fire performance of a number of products including:
- Doorsets (single – timber, composite, PVC-u etc);
- Glazing (including screens);
- Door Hardware;
- Ventilation Ducts;
- Dampers.
Please contact our Testing & Technical Services team for pricing and further information on +44 (0)1626 834252 email testing@lorientuk.com